When Help Producer converts your Word document to HTML, Help producer uses the styles in your Word document to obtain information about the table of contents, where to split the document into topic pages, what HTML elements to use, etc. This process is called style mapping.

For each style that you use in your Word document, you can create a style mapping entry that tells Help Producer how to handle the style. For instance, you can instruct Help Producer to create a new topic page or apply a formatting property to the HTML code when a certain paragraph style is found.

Help Producer allows you to map paragraph styles, character styles, and table styles.

Paragraph Style Mapping

Paragraph styles can be mapped to the following elements:

Depending on the element you select, you can further specify the level in the table of contents, the list level, and the tab width. The table of contents level (TOC level) determines the level at which the paragraph is referenced in the table of contents. The list level determines whether the paragraph is embedded within a preceding list, and at what level. A list level of zero indicates that the paragraph is not part of a list. The tab width determines the number of spaces needed to replace a tab with equivalent width. A tab width of zero indicates that tabs should not be converted to spaces.

Character Style Mapping

Character styles can be mapped to the following elements:

Table Style Mapping

Table styles cannot be mapped to other HTML elements. Instead, the table style can be mapped to a class name that calls out a specific style from the theme’s CSS.

See Also

Styles and Mappings | Understanding Styles | Working with Styles