The properties of the HTMLHtmlElement object are listed here. For a complete list of HTMLHtmlElement object members, see the HTMLHtmlElement Members topic.

Public Properties

public property Attributes (inherited from Node) Gets a collection containing the attributes of this node.
public property ChildNodes (inherited from Node) Gets all the child nodes of the node.
public property ClassName (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the class of the element.
public property Dir (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the base direction of directionally neutral text of the element.
public property FirstChild (inherited from Node) Gets the first child of the node.
public property Id (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the identifier of the element.
public property Lang (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the language of the element.
public property LastChild (inherited from Node) Gets the last child of the node.
public property NextSibling (inherited from Node) Gets the node immediately following this node.
public property NodeName (inherited from Node) Gets the qualified name of the node.
public property NodeType (inherited from Node) Gets the type of the current node.
public property NodeValue (inherited from Node) Gets or sets the value of the node.
public property OwnerDocument (inherited from Node) Gets the document to which this node belongs.
public property ParentNode (inherited from Node) Gets the parent of this node.
public property PreviousSibling (inherited from Node) Gets the node immediately preceding this node.
public property TagName (inherited from Element) Gets the tag name of the element.
public property Title (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the advisory title of the element.
public property Version Gets or sets the version information about the document’s DTD.

See Also

HTMLHtmlElement Object | DOM Namespace