HTMLTableElement overview

Public Properties

public property Align Gets or sets the table’s position with respect to the rest of the document.
public property Attributes (inherited from Node) Gets a collection containing the attributes of this node.
public property BgColor Gets or sets the cell background color.
public property Border Gets or sets the width of the border around the table.
public property Caption Gets or sets the table’s CAPTION element.
public property CellPadding Gets or sets the horizontal and vertical space between cell content and cell borders.
public property CellSpacing Gets or sets the horizontal and vertical separation between cells.
public property ChildNodes (inherited from Node) Gets all the child nodes of the node.
public property ClassName (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the class of the element.
public property Dir (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the base direction of directionally neutral text of the element.
public property FirstChild (inherited from Node) Gets the first child of the node.
public property Frame Gets or sets the external table borders to render.
public property Id (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the identifier of the element.
public property Lang (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the language of the element.
public property LastChild (inherited from Node) Gets the last child of the node.
public property NextSibling (inherited from Node) Gets the node immediately following this node.
public property NodeName (inherited from Node) Gets the qualified name of the node.
public property NodeType (inherited from Node) Gets the type of the current node.
public property NodeValue (inherited from Node) Gets or sets the value of the node.
public property OwnerDocument (inherited from Node) Gets the document to which this node belongs.
public property ParentNode (inherited from Node) Gets the parent of this node.
public property PreviousSibling (inherited from Node) Gets the node immediately preceding this node.
public property Rows Gets a collection containing all rows in this table.
public property Rules Gets or sets the internal table borders to render.
public property Summary Gets or sets the description about the purpose or structure of a table.
public property TBodies Gets a collection containing all table bodies in this table.
public property TFoot Gets or sets the table’s TFOOT element.
public property THead Gets or sets the table’s THEAD element.
public property TagName (inherited from Element) Gets the tag name of the element.
public property Title (inherited from HTMLElement) Gets or sets the advisory title of the element.
public property Width Gets or sets the desired width of the table.

Public Methods

public method AppendChild (inherited from Node) Adds the specified node to the end of the list of child nodes, of this node.
public method CloneNode (inherited from Node) Creates a duplicate of this node.
public method CreateCaption Creates a new table caption object or return an existing one.
public method CreateTFoot Creates a table footer row or return an existing one.
public method CreateTHead Creates a table header row or return an existing one.
public method DeleteCaption Deletes the table caption, if one exists.
public method DeleteRow Deletes a table row.
public method DeleteTFoot Deletes the table footer row, if one exists.
public method DeleteTHead Deletes the table header row, if one exists.
public method GetAttribute (inherited from Element) Returns the value for the attribute with the specified name.
public method GetAttributeNode (inherited from Element) Returns the Attribute with the specified name.
public method GetElementsByTagName (inherited from Element) Returns an NodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified name.
public method HasAttribute (inherited from Element) Determines whether the current node has an attribute with the specified name.
public method HasChildNodes (inherited from Node) Gets a value indicating whether this node has any child nodes.
public method InsertBefore (inherited from Node) Inserts the specified node immediately before the specified reference node.
public method InsertRow Inserts a new empty row in the table.
public method Normalize (inherited from Node) Combines all adjacent text nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this node.
public method RemoveAttribute (inherited from Element) Removes an attribute by name.
public method RemoveAttributeNode (inherited from Element) Removes the specified Attribute.
public method RemoveChild (inherited from Node) Removes specified child node.
public method ReplaceChild (inherited from Node) Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild node.
public method SetAttribute (inherited from Element) Sets the value of the attribute with the specified name.
public method SetAttributeNode (inherited from Element) Adds the specified Attribute.

See Also

HTMLTableElement Object | DOM Namespace