The properties of the Collection object are listed here. For a complete list of Collection object members, see the Collection Members topic.

Public Properties

public property Aliases Gets a collection of Alias objects.
public property BreakerId Gets or sets the ID of the word breaker COM object to be used in the generation of the full-text search (FTS) index.
public property Charset Gets or sets the character set to be used.
public property CompileResult Gets or sets the type of the resulting files to be produced by the compiler.
public property Copyright Gets or sets the copyright string to be used for the help files.
public property CreateFullTextIndex Gets or sets a value indicating whether a or not the compiler should produce a full-text search index.
public property DtdVersion Gets or sets the document type definition (DTD) to be used.
public property EnhancedDecompilation Gets or sets a value indicating whether the compiler include data useful for de-compilation.
public property FileName Gets or sets the filename of the collection file.
public property FileVersion Gets or sets a value indicating the version stamp to be used for the help file.
public property Font Gets or sets the font to be used for a table of contents or index.
public property FontSize Gets or sets the font size to be used for a table of contents or index.
public property GenerateDtd Gets or sets a value indicating whether a document type definition should be included in the collection file.
public property HeaderFiles Gets a collection of header files.
public property Id Gets or sets a user-defined ID.
public property IncludeFiles Gets a collection of include files.
public property LangId Gets or sets the language ID to be used.
public property OutputFile Gets or sets the filename of the generated help file.
public property SampleStagingDir Gets or sets the path of the staging directory used when building a compiled help file that contains uncompressed samples.
public property StopWordFile Gets or sets the stop word list used for full-text searches.
public property Title Gets or sets the title of the help file.

See Also

Collection Object | HelpProducer Namespace