Microsoft Word defines various keyboard shortcuts that allow you to format your document. The Help Producer add-in and templates add and re-map certain shortcuts to match the styles used in the templates.

Many times, you can work faster if you use keyboard shortcuts to edit and format your document, rather than using a toolbar button or a menu item. For efficient use of Help Producer in combination with Microsoft Word it is recommended that you memorize the following shortcuts:

Shortcut Description
SHIFT+CTRL+E Export the help projects.
SHIFT+CTRL+C Compile the help project.
SHIFT+CTRL+D Display the compiled help file.
SHIFT+CTRL+K Insert or edit a topic link.
ALT+SPACEBAR Remove manual character style.
SHIFT+CTRL+N Apply the heading style Text.
ALT+CTRL+1 Apply the heading style Topic Heading 1.
ALT+CTRL+2 Apply the heading style Topic Heading 2.
ALT+CTRL+3 Apply the heading style Topic Heading 3.
ALT+CTRL+4 Apply the heading style Topic Heading 4.
ALT+CTRL+5 Apply the heading style Topic Heading 5.
ALT+CTRL+6 Apply the heading style Topic Heading 6.
ALT+CTRL+7 Apply the heading style Sub Heading 1.
ALT+CTRL+8 Apply the heading style Sub Heading 2.
ALT+CTRL+9 Apply the heading style Sub Heading 3.
ALT+CTRL+L Apply the heading style Bulleted List.

See Also

Tips and Tricks