HTMLDocument overview

Public Properties

public property Anchors Gets a collection containing all A elements with a value for the name attribute.
public property Applets Gets a collection containing all OBJECT and APPLET elements.
public property Attributes (inherited from Node) Gets a collection containing the attributes of this node.
public property Body Gets the documents BODY object.
public property ChildNodes (inherited from Node) Gets all the child nodes of the node.
public property Cookie Gets or sets a user-defined value for the current document.
public property DocumentElement (inherited from Document) Gets the root Element for the document.
public property DocumentType (inherited from Document) Gets the node containing the DOCTYPE declaration.
public property FirstChild (inherited from Node) Gets the first child of the node.
public property Forms Gets a collection containing all FORM elements.
public property Images Gets a collection containing all IMG elements.
public property Implementation (inherited from Document) Gets the Implementation object for the current document.
public property LastChild (inherited from Node) Gets the last child of the node.
public property Links Gets a collection containing all AREA and A elements with a value for the href attribute.
public property NextSibling (inherited from Node) Gets the node immediately following this node.
public property NodeName (inherited from Node) Gets the qualified name of the node.
public property NodeType (inherited from Node) Gets the type of the current node.
public property NodeValue (inherited from Node) Gets or sets the value of the node.
public property OwnerDocument (inherited from Node) Gets the document to which this node belongs.
public property ParentNode (inherited from Node) Gets the parent of this node.
public property PreviousSibling (inherited from Node) Gets the node immediately preceding this node.
public property Title Gets or sets the title of the document.

Public Methods

public method AppendChild (inherited from Node) Adds the specified node to the end of the list of child nodes, of this node.
public method CloneNode (inherited from Node) Creates a duplicate of this node.
public method CreateAttribute (inherited from Document) Creates an Attribute object with the specified name.
public method CreateCDATASection (inherited from Document) Creates a CDATASection object containing the specified data.
public method CreateComment (inherited from Document) Creates a Comment object containing the specified data.
public method CreateConditionalComment Creates a ConditionalComment object containing the specified data.
public method CreateDocumentFragment (inherited from Document) Creates a DocumentFragment object.
public method CreateElement (inherited from Document) Creates an Element object.
public method CreateEntityReference (inherited from Document) Creates an EntityReference object with the specified name.
public method CreateField Creates a Field object containing the specified data.
public method CreateProcessingInstruction (inherited from Document) Creates a ProcessingInstruction object with the specified name and data.
public method CreateRawHtml Creates a RawHtml object containing the specified data.
public method CreateScript Creates a Script object containing the specified data.
public method CreateTextNode (inherited from Document) Creates a Text object with the specified text.
public method GetElementById (inherited from Document) Gets the Element with the specified ID.
public method GetElementsByName Returns a HTMLCollection containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified name.
public method GetElementsByTagName (inherited from Document) Returns a NodeList containing a list of all descendant elements that match the specified name.
public method HasChildNodes (inherited from Node) Gets a value indicating whether this node has any child nodes.
public method ImportNode (inherited from Document) Imports a Node from another document to the current document.
public method InsertBefore (inherited from Node) Inserts the specified node immediately before the specified reference node.
public method Load (inherited from Document) Loads the specified XML data into the current document.
public method Normalize (inherited from Node) Combines all adjacent text nodes in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this node.
public method RemoveChild (inherited from Node) Removes specified child node.
public method ReplaceChild (inherited from Node) Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild node.
public method Save (inherited from Document) Saves the current XML document to the specified location.

See Also

HTMLDocument Object | DOM Namespace