Help Producer offers various methods of linking topic pages. Each method has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before creating links. Most users will use a combination of methods. Help Producer supports various different kinds of links:


Using hyperlinks is the most common way of linking topics. Microsoft Word has built‑in support for hyperlinks, which can be used to create links similar to those found in web pages. Word allows you to link to headings and bookmarks.

Consider using hyperlinks if:

Automatic links

The term "automatic link" refers to a feature in Help Producer where a hyperlink is created automatically when the text of the automatic link matches the heading title of a topic.

Consider using automatic links if:

Topic links

The term "topic link" refers to a feature in Help Producer where a hyperlink is created from a link and a link ID combination. A topic link works similarly to an associative link; however, the link is a regular hyperlink that is resolved when the help document is exported. Further, a topic link does not use any functionality of the underlying help system.

Consider using topic links if:

Associative Links, A-links, or See Also Links

Associative links are used to link to a topic page by name. For instance, if you plug your help file into the MSDN library, you can link to the String class in the Microsoft .NET framework by creating an associative link with the keyword frlrfSystemStringClassTopic. An A-link keyword of a topic page is not to be confused with an index keyword. The A-link keyword is for linking only, and not visible to the end‑user.

Consider using associative links if:

Cross References

A cross-reference refers to an item in a document. When the document is converted, Help Producer creates a hyperlink. Cross-references are a built-in feature of Microsoft Word.

Consider using cross-references if:

In This Section

Creating a Hyperlink
Provides step-by-step instruction on how to create a hyperlink.
Creating an Automatic Link
Provides step-by-step instruction on how to create an automatic link.
Creating a Topic Link
Provides step-by-step instruction on how to create a topic link.
Creating an Associative Link
Provides step-by-step instruction on how to create an associative link or see also link.
Creating a Cross-reference
Provides step-by-step instruction on how to create a cross reference.

See Also

Using Help Producer