A topic link is a link where a hyperlink is created from a link and a link ID combination. Creating a topic link is a two-step process. First you need to add a topic ID or an A-link keyword to the topic page you want to link to. Then you create a link by referencing the topic ID or the keyword. The topic link text is formatted with a character style that is mapped to LINK, and the topic link ID is formatted with a character style that is mapped to LINKID.

Note   The following procedures assume that the character style Link Text is mapped to a LINK, and that the character style Link ID is mapped to an LINKID. All templates and themes installed with Help Producer create these mappings automatically. If you do not use a Help Producer template and theme, you need to establish the style mapping yourself. See the topic Style Mappings for details.

Create a link ID

  1. Navigate to the topic you want to link to.
  2. Do one of the following:

    Create a topic ID

    1. Right-click the topic heading, and click Topic Properties.
    2. In the Topic ID edit field, enter a unique topic identifier. For compatibility reasons, you should not use spaces inside the identifier.
    3. Click OK to create the topic ID.

    Create an associative index entry

    1. Inside the topic, press CTRL+F9 to insert a field.
    2. Type '\HP AddKeyword A, keyword' without the quotes. Substitute keyword with a unique name of the A-link keyword. For compatibility reasons, you should not use spaces inside the keyword.

Create a topic link

  1. Select the text that you want to display as the link.
  2. Right-click the selection and click Topic Link. The shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+K.
  3. In the Link ID field, enter the topic ID or the A-link keyword of the topic you want to link to.
  4. Click OK to create the automatic link.

Create a topic link manually

  1. Select the text that you want to display as the link.
  2. Apply the character style Link Text to the selected text.
  3. Immediately following the link text, type the topic ID or the A-link keyword. Do not put a space in-between the link text and the link ID.
  4. Select the link ID text.
  5. Apply the character style Link ID to the selected text.

See Also

Linking Topics | Using Styles Efficiently